One of the things God showed us while in India was what hospitality looks like. The family we stayed with took us in and treated us as though we were part of their family. I struggled a bit because I was so worried about being a burden to them. I learned that people who practice true hospitality, tend to not see it as a burden but, as a privilege. I think April and I are learning to move in this direction, I have a long ways to go. Thank you Uma and Yaman for SHOWING our family what hospitality looks like.
Once we got home from India we entered an exciting, yet very difficult summer. Alesha had some stubborn health problems that haunted us for most of the summer. April has been much more faithful in blogging than I have so, you can read about some of the health problems Alesha was having over the summer here
We also had a few great times over the summer that I hope are captured in the photos below.
Beautiful flower in Kolkata

April and Alesha meeting for the first time in the orphanage.

Mother and daughter bonding.

April with Uma and Yaman, our wonderful host family while in India.
Children from the slums of Muneer a small Muslim village outside of Delhi.

Camping at Camp Dakota. Had fun until Alesha's head starting oozing smelling strep and staph infection and we had to cut the trip short and come home early.

Luke and I had a great time heading up to the north-east side of Mt. Hood to camp out at Tie In Rock at about the 8,000 ft. level. Never seen so many shooting stars in such a short period of time in all my life.

Martin is playing his first year of football. After seeing how cookie cutter the "professional" photographers mass produced the years photos, I had a moment of inspiration and this is what followed.

Camping with the Hawley and Pfeiffer men at Stub Stewart State Park. Like my friend, Ian, I enjoyed the cigars at least until the last part when I was questioning whether or not I was going to hurl. I am thinking a smaller cigar for the next camping trip.

Yes, these look like marsh mellows, but are actually powdered donut holes. The idea was to warm them up before eating them. The problem was they took on a smokey flavor, which does not necessarily go well with the powdered donut flavor.

As you can see Alesha had fun in the water and wasn't afraid of the dirt.

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