Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Martin and Lukes first ski trip
Friday, August 12, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Weaned Child
Like a weaned child rests against his mother,
My soul is like a weaned child within me. Psalm 131:2
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Alesha - Adoption Slideshow
So after a year I finally put together a slideshow from our adoption of Alesha (May 2010)
The first song is U2's "40". (Can you ever really go wrong with U2?) I chose that song because it communicates not only the long wait to get Alesha (2.5 years) but also the new work that God had done in our lives that gave us the heart for adoption. As we waited for two and a half years, we sang, "How long to sing this song?" Yet at the same time we rejoiced in singing a new song..."He brought me up out of the pit, out of the miry clay...He set my feet upon a rock and made my footsteps firm" God set me free from the bondage of drugs and alcohol, He put a new song in my heart!
I chose Beck's "Broken Drum" because it seems to capture some of the haunting aspects of India that April and I experienced. We're haunted by both the oppressive poverty and injustice we saw when we were there in 2008 and when we picked Alesha up last year. We're also haunted by the sheer beauty of Mother India! Her beauty really is indescribable.
Finally, I chose Cold Play's "The Scientist" because it captures some of the grieving that we went through as a family in those early days with Alesha. Honestly, I would say those early days with her were more about grief than anything else.
I hope you enjoy this video, I pray God speaks to your heart through it. I hope you'll see it for the miracle that it truly is.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Running down from Saddle Mountain
I shot this video with my cell phone camera last month just below the top of Saddle Mountain. The quality is absolutely terrible but it sort of captures some of the intensity of the weather. The sustained winds were about 40+ mph with gusts well over that. Snow sleet was slapping me in the face as I left the summit.
I really can't think of a more intense run that I've done in the 10+ years of my running career! I thought I was just going to encounter a lot of mud, rain and some wind. I wasn't expecting to hit such ferocious weather conditions. I was only wearing a base layer and a cell phone. In reality I was pretty much running for my life! What I mean is that with only a (very wet) base layer in those conditions, the only thing keeping me warm was physical exertion. Had I become immobilized I would have become hypothermic in minutes!
For the record I do NOT recommend anybody run/hike in this manner. It was not wise. It was unnecessarily risky. It was really quite unsafe...At the same time, it was the coolest run I've ever done!!!
There's something about risk that brings life out to the surface. Not sure how to put it into words. It's beyond adrenaline. There's a certain quality of life that can only be obtained when risk is accepted as part of the package.
I think God has been speaking to me about how this run is true in the spiritual realm. Sometimes we just need to get over our phobia of risk and move straight out into the howling, screaming winds of fear to experience life abundantly!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Do you see? Wherever humanity was broken, Jesus restored it. He is giving us an illustration here, and there, and there again. The coming of the kingdom of God restores the world he made.
John Eldredge - Epic
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
A Call to Community
This is such a moving piece! I'm moved deeply when I watch this because it speaks to a deep cry within my own heart. This is a poem about people coming together with their brokenness and desperation and choosing to live together in community in order to survive. This is exactly what the church is, isn't it?
The following lines especially stand out to me:
"We're ALL made out of shipwrecks every single board" - If we just acknowledge this it puts us all on equal ground. Of course, this involves taking off our masks and being vulnerable with one another...risk. In some cases this could turn our whole understanding of the gospel upside down or at least the way we live it out. (or not)
"Let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief" Lets share LIFE together. Bear one another's burdens as scripture exhorts us to do. Let's choose to navigate this mess together.
"Come on sow us together" - Coming together to make one piece. One body, Unity.
"But we're making it, taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts, we all have the same holes in our hearts" - We're all marred and broken because of sin. There are two kinds of sinners, those who know they're sinners and those who don't. I want to hang out with those who know they're sinners...wasn't that who Jesus usually hung out with? "Borrowed crutches and news starts" - The church like a hospital... Isn't that the beautiful picture Christ painted for us when He said, "It's not the healthy who need a Doctor but, the sick"?
"and my hopes are weapons that I'm still learning how to use right but, they're heavy and I'm awkward...always running out of fight" - This is me, learning how to "maneuver in Faith" Learning how to live life from my heart. Learning how to stay alive to God and others. Learning how to BE who He's called me to be over what He's called me to do. I often run out of fight.
"I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea so, come on let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief..." I, like you and everybody else have been assaulted by life in one way or another. Been broken, found myself alone on the empty sea. Let's come together on this crazy journey! What hope do we have if we don't stick together? Only the vast unforgiving cold sea...
"If we hold on tight we'll hold each other together and not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep" - We MUST stick together as we move out into mission together, As we extend God's Kingdom, offer a life line to this world we do so in community. God has and will come through.
I pray this piece of art awakens you to the reality we find ourselves in. Do you see it?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How to plant a church
I love this video! Although, I have to admit it's really a bit of a tragic comedy.
Thankfully, there's other ways to plant a church. For example see www.jacobswellspokane.org or check out www.christianassociates.org/index.php
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Switchfoot - Dare You To Move
Anybody else feeling this tension? Sometimes I feel it so strong I think it's going to rip me to pieces!
Isn't this "tension" God awakening our hearts? That sense within us all that says, "This world is not what it's meant to be...I'm not what I'm meant to be" That's Jesus knocking on the door of our heart. Christ came preaching, teaching and showing us a NEW way. He spoke of restoration and of what His coming Kingdom is like. I pray this tension "Dares us to move" toward Jesus and His coming Kingdom. It's in Him and His Kingdom that we all find the answers that drive us in our quest for genuine life.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Good News?
The Matrix
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Summer Highlights
One of the things God showed us while in India was what hospitality looks like. The family we stayed with took us in and treated us as though we were part of their family. I struggled a bit because I was so worried about being a burden to them. I learned that people who practice true hospitality, tend to not see it as a burden but, as a privilege. I think April and I are learning to move in this direction, I have a long ways to go. Thank you Uma and Yaman for SHOWING our family what hospitality looks like.
Once we got home from India we entered an exciting, yet very difficult summer. Alesha had some stubborn health problems that haunted us for most of the summer. April has been much more faithful in blogging than I have so, you can read about some of the health problems Alesha was having over the summer here
We also had a few great times over the summer that I hope are captured in the photos below.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Going to India today!
I've been praying for quite some time now that God would give us eyes to see on this trip, that we will see what God sees as He looks upon the heartbreaking poverty of Delhi and Kolkata.
I pray Lord that you will give us understanding, help us to see truth, to see where you are working in India. Let our hearts not be hard or dull, rather let them break over the things that break your heart.
Thank You God, for this humbling opportunity to embrace your daughter and offer your love to her. May she sense your presence in us somehow, please give her peace in this time of massive transition.
Please pray for us as a family, pray that we learn to walk in His Spirit, in His strength.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pure Gospel...
"Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it." Luke 17:33
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Neighborhood Garden
Towards the end of last year we've started to get to know some of our neighbors a little bit better. We learned that a number of them are versed in the art of home gardening. So, with the help of our generous neighbors we recently broke ground on the "Ivy Glen Neighborhood Garden" I say, "with the help of" but really, I'm simply following their directions and trying not to get in the way!

Breaking ground March 27, 2010
On the job injury.
Tearing it up, April 17, 2010
Pema, making the job look way too easy!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My family and I watched this film last night. It was absolutely beautiful! I loved the juxtaposition of the lyrics penned by a younger generation sung by people nearing the end of the road. It was so cool to expirience these songs from a totally different perspective. The lyrics mean something completely different from the original, yet they could have been written by these people in their old age.
That's the mysterious power of art. You can be familiar with something, you think you know it through and through, then you see it through an artists eyes and it's as if you're discovering it for the first time!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mike Frost - Missional v. Attractional
What makes a church "missional"? I think Mike Frost gets to the heart of it. A community that organizes around mission is a truly missional church.
An attractional church can "do missions" as a part of their programing but, not necessarily be a missional church.
The more I understand, or at least think I understand, what a missional church is, I'm concluding that I've had very little exposure to that kind of environment..."It's not just a tweeking of a system...But, a complete paradigm shift"
I also like his closing words about the two models somehow working together, "cheering one another on"
It's important for me to remember it not "good vs. bad" or "right vs. wrong" Perhaps, it's more of a question of which model is most prevalent in the New Testament? Though I think examples of both could be found, it seems that the early church (before Constantine) was very much a missional incarnational movement.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Tangible Kingdom - Incarnational or Attractional
Should the church be attractional or incarnational? This is not a new debate but, it's one that I think is of utmost importance. How one answers this question will indeed impact how they live.
The term attractional, to me, is where a church primarily attracts people to a building for services and programs. "Come and be a disciple"
The term incarnational, on the other hand, is the idea of Christians taking the gospel to the people/world as well as being the gospel to the world. As we go we embody the good news. "Go and make disciples" The above video communicates this concept well...can't wait to read this book!
Most churches in the west are of the attractional variety. From what I read in scripture, though, it would seem that the incarnational model of church is what we find most apparent in the new testement. Jesus and his disciples, the early church were constantly on the move taking the gospel to the world. "Go and make disciples"
Some would argue that the church should be both attractional and incarnational. Perhaps this is a good argument but, I'm not so sure it's a practical one. If a church is attractional, especially in America, then it must put a tremendous amount of time, effort, talent and resources into attracting the masses. With all this effort, is there really any time or energy left to go and simply be among the people? To take the gospel to them? I simply don't see how an attractional church can spend all the time necessary to keep the church machine running and still be truly incarnational. It's sort of like attempting to go on a business trip and a vacation at the same time. Either the business part of the trip is going to suffer and give way to the vacation impulse or visa versa. They're really two different paths. It seems difficult to have a mindset of "going and making disciples" while living in a "come to us" environment.
Can you imagine a church full of people that see themselves as missionaries? Where they see their neighborhoods and places of employment as their mission field? In this senerio, they would be seeking ways to take the gospel to their mission field. They would be asking questions like, "How can I express God's love among the people" and "How can I lead people to Christ" This approach is far different from simply having the goal to get people to come to the church and have the professionals (pastors) take it from there.
The very nature of the attractional model really tends to set the bar so low for the average church member. As mentioned above, if our primary goal as church members is to get people into church so that they can find Christ, then that means that our responsiblity to make disciples ends as soon as they walk through the church doors. Now it's up to the pastor and the discipleship program within the church.
I hope I'm not sounding cynical here but simply bringing people to church just doesn't cut it for me. It sets the bar so low. Christ calls us to be the church. To get out of our buildings and take Christ to our neihbors, schools, places of employment and into the world. He calls us to go, not to call the world to come to us.
I would argue that a truly missional incarnational church is very attractive as it goes forth making disciples spreading God's love, being salt and light in a dark world. In other words, if the church goes about making disciples around the context of mission...the attractional part will take care of itself.
I'm trying my best to live this out, not just talk/blog about it. At times this can feel a bit lonely but, I know it's the path God has called me to walk...It's the Jesus way.
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Cost of Discipleship
I figured, what could be better than having a deeper relationship with Jesus? As I read the book, I quickly realized that it wasn't going to be a warm fuzzy, "5 easy steps/tips for a better Christian life", type book. Here's a sample from the book where she discusses abandonment, one of the key points in the book...
"Abandonment is casting off all your cares. Abandonment is dropping all your needs. This includes spiritual needs...All your concerns go into the hand of God. You forget yourself, and from that moment on you think only of Him.
By continuing to do this over a long period of time, your heart will remain unattached; your heart will be free and at peace!
How do you practice abandonment? You practice it daily, hourly, and by the moment. Abandonment is practiced by continually losing your own will in the will of God; by plunging your will into the depths of His will, there to be lost forever!...Abandonment must reach a point where you stand in complete indifference to yourself...Become abandoned by simply resigning yourself to what the Lord wants, in all things, no matter what they are, where they come from, or how they affect your life".
In reading this book, I'm confronted with the reality of how full of myself I really am. When growing closer to him means death to self...I pause, then take a step forward...wait, that hurts, this can't be right! Again, Christ calls me to take his hand and walk with him, leaving myself behind. Maybe, I don't need to have such a deep walk with him...Perhaps there could be some kind of compromise. Now I'm at the heart of the matter, am I really willing to bring all of my life under his Lordship, to let go of everything...to become indifferent to my own needs a desires, am I willing to abandon all to simply walk with my Savior?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "When Jesus calls a man, he bids him to come and die" Western Christianity is often at odds with biblical discipleship, in many cases American Christianity has warped us. We've set the bar so low for discipleship that we actually think that if we're experiencing pain we must be doing something wrong. The very path that Christ calls us to walk is one marked with pain and sacrifice. Dying to self in inherently painful!
So, why would anybody be willing to give up everything to follow Christ anyway? Once you've seen Jesus, Once you've been touched by Him, Once you've been in His presence...You know why. Like the pearl of great price or the hidden treasure in the field, no cost... is too high!
Paradoxically, the greatest freedom is dying to self in surrendered abandonment to Him...the very thing we resist! I pray that in 2010 we spend time in His presence, see His beauty, experience His touch and leave ourselves behind in the process. It's the only way we can truly know Him. We must decrease so that He can increase.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Alesha Mugdha of Kolkata
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'm a Christ Follower (Mac vs. PC Parody) Part 02
I think I'd rather die than go to a church like the one "Christian" goes to in this video! Sad that there's still a lot of people out there that think that's all that church is.