Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mike Frost - Missional v. Attractional

What makes a church "missional"? I think Mike Frost gets to the heart of it. A community that organizes around mission is a truly missional church.
An attractional church can "do missions" as a part of their programing but, not necessarily be a missional church.
The more I understand, or at least think I understand, what a missional church is, I'm concluding that I've had very little exposure to that kind of environment..."It's not just a tweeking of a system...But, a complete paradigm shift"
I also like his closing words about the two models somehow working together, "cheering one another on"
It's important for me to remember it not "good vs. bad" or "right vs. wrong" Perhaps, it's more of a question of which model is most prevalent in the New Testament? Though I think examples of both could be found, it seems that the early church (before Constantine) was very much a missional incarnational movement.

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