This is such a moving piece! I'm moved deeply when I watch this because it speaks to a deep cry within my own heart. This is a poem about people coming together with their brokenness and desperation and choosing to live together in community in order to survive. This is exactly what the church is, isn't it?
The following lines especially stand out to me:
"We're ALL made out of shipwrecks every single board" - If we just acknowledge this it puts us all on equal ground. Of course, this involves taking off our masks and being vulnerable with one another...risk. In some cases this could turn our whole understanding of the gospel upside down or at least the way we live it out. (or not)
"Let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief" Lets share LIFE together. Bear one another's burdens as scripture exhorts us to do. Let's choose to navigate this mess together.
"Come on sow us together" - Coming together to make one piece. One body, Unity.
"But we're making it, taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts, we all have the same holes in our hearts" - We're all marred and broken because of sin. There are two kinds of sinners, those who know they're sinners and those who don't. I want to hang out with those who know they're sinners...wasn't that who Jesus usually hung out with? "Borrowed crutches and news starts" - The church like a hospital... Isn't that the beautiful picture Christ painted for us when He said, "It's not the healthy who need a Doctor but, the sick"?
"and my hopes are weapons that I'm still learning how to use right but, they're heavy and I'm awkward...always running out of fight" - This is me, learning how to "maneuver in Faith" Learning how to live life from my heart. Learning how to stay alive to God and others. Learning how to BE who He's called me to be over what He's called me to do. I often run out of fight.
"I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea so, come on let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief..." I, like you and everybody else have been assaulted by life in one way or another. Been broken, found myself alone on the empty sea. Let's come together on this crazy journey! What hope do we have if we don't stick together? Only the vast unforgiving cold sea...
"If we hold on tight we'll hold each other together and not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep" - We MUST stick together as we move out into mission together, As we extend God's Kingdom, offer a life line to this world we do so in community. God has and will come through.
I pray this piece of art awakens you to the reality we find ourselves in. Do you see it?