Thursday, November 26, 2009

Alesha Mugdha of Kolkata

Last week April and I had the privilege of accepting a referral for a beautiful little girl currently residing in Kolkata, India. With open arms and open hearts we welcome you into our family dear Alesha! Isn't she beautiful? (see April's blog ) We've been in the adoption process for nearly two years now. We hope to have our little one home by spring time
I've been asked many times, "what made you want to adopt?" and "why India?"

I've always thought that adoption is a beautiful thing. It speaks of God's grace and redemption and love. Until two years ago, I always thought it was a wonderful thing for others to do. I on the other hand, had absolutely no interest in bringing another child into our home.

Then one day (I believe it was November 4, 2007) in an instant, it all changed! April and I were at church and a promo video for the 2008 India missions trip was shown. It touched me deeply. I went home and started reading about the orphan problem in our world. As I did this God put in my heart an OVERWHELMING desire to bring one of these little ones into our home.

We chose India because we are just somehow drawn to that crazy land of chaotic beauty. I take a pretty lax view of the details of adoption. Some people hold strong opinions as to whether one should adopt locally vs. internationally. I would encourage anybody wanting to adopt, to look carefully at ALL options, pray and go where God leads. Personally, I believe that with over one hundred million orphans world wide, the where when and how God leads one to adopt is not of great concern....I just would love to see God's people asking, "What can I do to look after these little ones that are made in His image?"

This Thanksgiving Day, I'm so grateful to be a part of something that God is involved in.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm a Christ Follower (Mac vs. PC Parody) Part 02

I think I'd rather die than go to a church like the one "Christian" goes to in this video! Sad that there's still a lot of people out there that think that's all that church is.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Broken Beat and Scarred w/ Lyrics

This song reminds me of life...overcoming drug addiction, spiritual warfare, growth, being a Christ follower. It paints for me a picture of a seasoned warrior, battle scarred but, still in the fight not willing to give up. "The dawn, the death, the fight to the final breath"
It sounds like the "sons of thunder" spoken of in scripture....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Simple Church

..."Through these simple acts of hospitality and prayer, we joined God's mission in our neighborhood. His mission does not have to be pumped up or hyped. We don't have to start it or defend it. God owns his mission, and He will do His mission through us if we allow Him" Floyd McClung-"Starting a House Church"

It's amazing what God will show us and where He'll lead us when we start thinking along the lines of what He's doing and how we can be involved in His mission rather than "doing something for God"

How often we don't recognize divine appointments because we're looking for the spectacular. Sometimes the "spectacular" happens in the spiritual relm but, appears very ordinary on the outside...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Emotional Russ Taff Interview

"Through all that I found the real Jesus" - This is such a powerful testimony of the healing work and restoration that only Christ can bring about. I find my own story somehow in this interview. I think of how God brought me through a season in my life that was marked with pain, addiction, disillusionment and finally despair. But, "through all that I found the real Jesus" When we let God do his work in us we're simply never the same!