Saturday, September 12, 2009

Simple House Church

I've been reading a short book called "Simple House Church Revolution" It is available for download free of charge.

Reading this book is kind of messing with me. I've always thought that house churches are a little weird, perhaps a good place for a cult to get started! However, the more I read about the house church movement the more I realize that it seems to reflect the passions of my heart.

I think two things in particular get my attention:

1) The concept of community.

2) The focus on "being the church" over focus on church buildings and programs.

- The concept of community within the house church movement seems to resemble new testament church where believers truly shared their lives together, not just an hour and a half on Sunday mornings listening to the pastor. For an example of this type of community check out the chapter titled "Fellowships of the Heart" in John Eldredge's book "Waking the Dead" here's a link to download the chapter -

- When we see ourselves as "being the church" instead of being "part of a church" we're far more likely to depend on the Holy Spirit to transform our lives. There's a world of difference between simply trying to get a neighbor or coworker to "come to my church" vs. being the church to them, modeling who Christ is in how I live. The first is possible in the flesh, the second is not.
We're also more likely find our God ordained calling if we broaden our horizons to see beyond the walls of our church building. What if our personal mission/calling doesn't fit into Sunday morning worship service? Or even within the context of the institutional church?

I think it's possible to apply the above principles within the context of a traditional church. I guess that's what I'm wrestling with....I'm wondering if it really is. I'm confident that God will lead me in the way He desires me to go.